I wanted to follow up a little more on my handle on BLM after our interaction yesterday and why I take issue with BLM and communicating at the same time I support racial equality but not by bully means of BLM.
With regard to Black Lives Matter, one thing that I will say for them is that they were brilliant in naming their group, because this means that, if you disagree with them, they can say that you do not believe that black lives matter, simply because that is the name of their group. It would be like if I created a group and called it “The Sky Is Blue.” It could stand for all sorts of nonsense, but, simply because of its name, if you disagree with it, I could then say that you do not believe that the sky is blue. While this sounds crazy, I have seen it over and over again; whenever people denounce the Black Lives Matter group, those people are then condemned as racist for supposedly believing that black lives do not, in fact, matter (again, just because that happens to be the name of the group).
Furthermore, the Black Lives Matter group has little to do with the protection of black lives (even putting aside all other lives, which deserve just as much protection, one would think). The Black Lives Matter group certainly has not been protecting black business owners from violent rioters. They do not seem to care about black victims of gangs and violent crime, since defunding the police will mean more such victims. (Maybe they would be more honest if they called themselves CERTAIN Black Lives Matter, but I suppose that it does not have the same ring to it.)
Instead, the Black Lives Matter group seems to stand for anarchy, violence, and the total destruction of the freest society in history. In addition, they have even taken several stances against Israel, the only free country in the Middle East, one where minority rights are enshrined in the law and protected by the police — in fact, the Israel Police just swore in its newest cops, which included both an Orthodox Jewish man and a religiously observant Muslim woman; there is no other country in the Middle East where that has happened. I suppose that this is consistent with the Black Lives Matter group’s goal of destroying free societies.