Helping Hand

Vegas is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winder. The homeless suffer through all of this. In many cases a cold lead to pneumonia and many perish in harsh conditions. The homeless currently need warm clothes, blankets, and hygiene product. If you can donate any of these things, please send an… Continue reading Helping Hand


Dear Mike, I just wanted to take the time to formally thank you for supporting my efforts to understand & deal with the dubious Golf Dome investment property failure.  Between your internet posts regarding Phoenix Land Ventures, the additional information you shared, the guidance & encouragement, and legal connections in Canada you exposed the real… Continue reading HOLDING THE BAD GUYS ACCOUNTABLE!

Thoughts by Club Member, Terri Salvatore, about Mike Lathigee and ICOA.

Strategy. Integrity. Heart. These are three words that come to mind when describing ICOA. StrategyMike explains each opportunity from a strategic perspective, with a broad view of how current events tie in with the attraction of a potential investment. IntegrityThe club is honest and transparent with respect to the structuring of each investment. HeartICOA makes… Continue reading Thoughts by Club Member, Terri Salvatore, about Mike Lathigee and ICOA.

Freedom Fest 2021

Members! Our club follows a Libertarian Philosophy.  Mark Skousen is a member of our investment club and on Wikipedia is recognized as one of top living economists today.   He has written dozens of books and is internationally sought after for his leadership in Economics and Libertarianism. This is my favorite conference and in fact in… Continue reading Freedom Fest 2021