Overreaching Power and Systemized Legalized Corruption in the US Government: Las Vegas Investment Club March 29, 2018

Mike Lathigee clearly outlines the corruption within our system and addresses areas of concern including Lobbyists, the unfair Plea Bargain System and the overzealous unchecked powers of Federal Prosecutors.
Politicians don’t make money by having a shrinking government. Our Forefathers and Founders of the Constitution would be rolling over in their graves to see the negative changes and how Government is too involved in our lives.
America became great over the last few hundred years by allowing it citizens pursue ri the American Dream. For the most part under the Legalized Corruption System, the American Dream as we know it is DEAD!
This is a video that all Americans MUST watch to understand how our system works and why all American Citizens MUST be concerned.
Never has the club made a request to share but this is a message the Las Vegas Investment Club wants to get out to as many fellow Americans as possible. Please share this video! Stay Tuned for Part 2.
